California Justice Voter Guide, Parents for Progress, Nonpartisan Voter Guide and Parents for Progress

Be Careful with Slate Mailer Vendors: Ensuring Your Campaign’s Success

Slate mailers are a crucial tool for political campaigns, but it’s essential to choose your vendor wisely. Not all slate mailers are created equal, and working with reputable providers can make a significant difference in your campaign’s success.

Why Slate Mail Vendor Choice Matters

A reputable vendor ensures that your slate mailers are delivered on time, reach the right audience, and accurately represent your campaign’s message. Conversely, an unreliable vendor can lead to delays, miscommunication, and wasted resources. According to Los Angeles Times, some vendors have faced scrutiny for misleading practices, highlighting the need for careful selection.

Recommended Slate Mailers

For reliable and effective slate mailers, consider these trusted options:

  1. California Justice Voter Guide: Focused on informing conservative voters about key candidates and issues.
  2. Parents for Progress: Targets Democrat and mixed-Democrat/Independent households, promoting educational advocacy.
  3. Nonpartisan Voter Guide: Provides unbiased information for independent and third-party voters.
  4. Seniors Voter Resources: Tailored to engage senior voters with relevant election information.

We also recommend checking out our competitor, Cal Voter Guide, for additional quality slate mailers:

  • Cal Voter Guide: A broad range of voter guides including Budget Watchdogs, Election Digest, Senior Advocate, and Voter Newsletter.


Choosing the right slate mailer vendor is essential for effective voter outreach and campaign success. Trusted providers like CA Slates and Cal Voter Guide offer reliable services and high-quality voter guides to ensure your message reaches the right audience.

For more information on reputable slate mailers, visit CA Slates and Cal Voter Guide.

By carefully selecting your slate mailer vendor, you can enhance your campaign’s impact and ensure that your message is delivered accurately and effectively.