The following candidates are featured in the June 2018 Primary Election versions of California Justice Voter Guide and Parents for Progress:


US Congress, District 24
Katcho Achadjian*

US Congress, District 29
Joe Shammas*

US Congress, District 44
Isadore Hall* (WINNER)

California State Senate, District 27
David Pollock*

Los Angeles County Superior Court:
Office 11: Steve Schreiner* (WINNER
Office 42: E. Matthew Aceves* (WINNER)
Office 84: Susan Jung Townsend* (WINNER)
Office 158: David Berger* (WINNER)
Office 165: Kathryn Solorzano* (WINNER)

San Luis Obispo County Supervisor, District 1
John Peschong* (WINNER)

Santa Barbara County Supervisor, District 3
Bruce Porter* (WINNER)

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