May 2013 Los Angeles Municipal Election

California Justice Voter Guide, the premier California slate mailer, is proud to have featured the following candidates in the special May 2013 Los Angeles Municipal General Election edition of our voter guides:

Los Angeles Mayor: Eric Garcetti* (WINNER)
Los Angeles City Council, District 1: Gil Cedillo* (WINNER)
Los Angeles City Council, District 9: Curren Price Jr. (WINNER)
Los Angeles City Attorney: Carmen Trutanich*
Los Angeles City Controller: Dennis Zine*
Los Angeles Community College District: Nancy Pearlman* (WINNER)

THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY CA Slates NOT AN OFFICIAL POLITICAL PARTY ORGANIZATION. Appearance in this mailer does not necessarily imply endorsement of others appearing in this mailer, nor does it imply endorsement of, or opposition to, any issues set forth in this mailer. Appearance is paid for and authorized by each candidate and ballot measure which is designated by an *.